Have you heard about all the exciting benefits that Invisalign® has to offer? Invisalign aligners are orthodontic treatments designed to provide better oral health care by correcting any issues with malocclusions or bad bites in your smile. Invisalign aligners can help straighten your smile through state-of-the-art techniques and patented materials.
Invisalign aligners are designed to go on clear and provide you the discreet care you desire. They are easy to clean because they can be taken out before eating. Due to the fact that Invisalign aligners are detachable, zero food restrictions will be necessary. Whenever you need to easily clean your teeth, remove your Invisalign aligners as needed.
Through the use of an orthodontic alignment system such as Invisalign, you can help provide your smile with the orthodontic care you need without any metal wires are brackets. Not only are they safe and comfortable, but they are also made of thermoplastic materials designed to go on clear so that your treatments can be given without being visual hindrances. Furthermore, they are metal-free, so there are no concerns about bulky metal wires or brackets getting in the way.
To learn more about which orthodontic treatments you would prefer for enhancing your smile, contact MajorSmiles at 979-776-6600. Come visit Dr. David Sun and our team at our office in Bryan, Texas, by scheduling an appointment at your earliest opportunity.