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When a dental filling is initially installed into the enamel layer of an affected tooth, it is typically cured and bonded in place or secured firmly with a special type of dental adhesive. This created an effective connection between the filling material and the tooth enamel that is capable of lasting for many years.

Yet the passage of time and inconsistencies in your oral hygiene habits can potentially affect the health and integrity of your tooth enamel. This could, in turn, start to weak a dental filling’s connection.

In time significantly demineralized tooth enamel could lead to a dental filling to loosening or potentially falling out. Should this happen to you, it’s best to have the distressed tooth examined by a professionally trained dentist like Dr. David Sun.

If the compromised area is large or a significant portion of the biting surface of the tooth has been affected he might recommend restoring the tooth with a dental crown. This mode of treatment will replace the tooth’s original enamel layer with a replica created from either porcelain, gold, or a metallic alloy.

A detailed impression will then be prepared for the area. It will be sent to a dental lab to guide dental technicians while creating your dental crown.

When it’s ready your new dental crown will be cemented in place with a dental adhesive capable of bonding it to the abutment for many long years.

If you live in the Bryan, Texas, area and you have a tooth suffering from a missing dental filling, you should call 979-776-6600 to seek treatment at MajorSmiles.