At MajorSmiles, we understand that countless people use rewards cards to purchase items and gain mileage, points, perks, and even trips. For that reason, our dentist in Bryan, Texas, accepts most major credit cards to allow our patients to do just that. MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express are all welcomed forms of payments.

Cash, check, and debit cards are also welcomed and are the most common form of payment for our patients. Many leave a signature and a card on file for their students while here in Aggieland. We are happy to work with an out-of-town parent or guardian to provide care for your student.

In addition to this, we have a couple of outside financing companies, CareCredit and Lending Club, that we find to be another great choice for patients who desire treatments or solutions outside their monthly budget. This allows those patients and families to get the desired treatment and make payments that are within their budget. Feel free to click on the links below and apply now if you wish.

Dental benefits seem to be less available than they were in the past. If you happen to have some benefits (commonly referred to as coupons with the extreme limitations of today’s plans) our team will do a complimentary benefit analysis to determine your “estimated” portion. Since the agreement of these companies is with the patient or employer and their company they will not give us exact fees. We will estimate and many busy patients today leave a card on file should there be a minimal balance rather than hassle with statements and writing checks. You can rest assured that our studious benefits coordinator will secure the maximum benefit from your plan. Please feel free to call Dr. David Sun and our team today if you have any questions about our financial options.

