Full mouth reconstruction allows our dentist to help restore your smile if you currently have multiple oral issues interfere with your smile’s function and appearance. Full mouth reconstruction uses a combination of dental restoration treatments to replace most or all of the teeth in your smile.
Dr. David Sun at MajorSmiles uses this approach to help our patients in Bryan, Texas needing to rebuild their smile. In approaching treatment, our dentist considers the whole picture to create a plan that accomplishes both.
So, what are some oral issues that might necessitate this approach?
–You have several broken teeth or teeth that are cracked.
–You are missing numerous teeth.
–You have multiple teeth with large fillings which need replacing.
–You have multiple decaying teeth.
–You have multiple teeth worn down from teeth grinding (bruxism).
Our dentist might use a variety of treatments in the process: dental veneers or dental implants, inlays or dental bridges, dental crowns or dentures, or even suggest orthodontia to restore your oral function. We work to help you eat and speak normally again while creating a smile you can be proud to share.
At MajorSmiles, our goal is to help you achieve the healthy smile you deserve. If you are struggling with your smile and are ready to find out how to restore your smile, we invite you to call 979-776-6600 to schedule a consultation with Dr. David Sun in Bryan, Texas. Together we can work with you to restore your healthy smile!